Title: Multiscale Modeling of Multifunctional Fuzzy Fibers Based on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Gary Don Seidel, George Chatzigeorgiou, Xiang Ren, Dimitris C. Lagoudas
Modeling of Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene and their Composites
Springer Series in Materials Science -- 2014 -- Vol 188 pp 135-176
This chapter will present an introduction to a novel class of multifunctional scale-bridging materials known as fuzzy fibers, which consist of multi-walled carbon nanotubes grown directly on the surface of structural carbon and glass fibers. The chapter will then identify some of the key challenges in the modeling of the mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties of fuzzy fibers and the composites in which they are embedded, and review some of the recent efforts to model these materials available in the literature. Finally, the description and a demonstration of the application of analytic composite cylinders model and computational homogenization approaches to modeling fuzzy fibers will be provided. A discussion of the potential applications for fuzzy fibers will close the chapter.
Key words: Glass fiber Polymeric-matrix composites Carbon nanotubes
Micromechanics Homogenization Fuzzy fiber Composite cylinder method