Title: Numerical investigation of thermomechanical response of multiscale porous Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics
Stefan J. Povolny, Gary D. Seidel, Carolina Tallon,
Ceramics International -- Volume 48, Issue 8, 15 April 2022, Pages 11502-11517
Recent advances in Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics (UHTC) manufacturing have permitted the development of multiscale porous UHTC microstructures. Within the target application of hypersonic vehicles, dense UHTCs are suitable for thermal protection on leading edges, whereas porous UHTCs may find a role in providing thermally insulated interfaces for temperature-sensitive interior components. Designing vehicles incorporating porous UHTCs requires a characterization of their thermomechanical properties across the full range of expected operating temperatures spanning −20 °C–2500 °C. This work represents a preliminary study in performing this characterization. Several numerical experiments are performed using a coupled thermomechanical implementation of the Material Point Method to determine the temperature dependence of effective material properties both with and without damage. Furthermore, complex time-dependent boundary conditions derived from known hypersonic flight profiles are simulated in order to probe the various couplings between deformation, damage and heat transfer. It is shown that the model reveals the importance of micro-buckling in determining effective material stiffness and thermal conductivity.